Climate Action Now - An Ørsted podcast on climate change and the solutions

Episode 2: Aligning with climate science to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees

Episode Summary

Global warming needs to be stopped! Collective climate goals have been set in order to do this. The world needs to reduce its carbon emissions to 50% by 2030 to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. But why those numbers and how do these collective climate goals impact the countries and companies aligning with them? These are the questions we explore in the second episode of Climate Action Now. We talk to climate scientists at the top of the field and employees at Ørsted about how the radical transition has felt from inside the walls of the company.

Episode Notes

Katherine Richardson, head of the Sustainability Science Center at the University of Copenhagen and a UN appointed expert stressing the need for action.

Katherine Mach, climate scientist with the University of Miami. Her work focuses on environmental science and policy with an emphasis on climate change. 

Alexander Farsan from the Science Based Targets Initiative, SBTi

Ida Krabek, head of sustainability programmes and partnerships at Ørsted, and Finn Adser who's been part of the green transition since the beginning.